“The Rising Kites bag was more than just a bunch of resources, it was an official welcome and a starting point for what has been a very joyous journey so far. “
— Whitney, mom to baby Conrad
About Our Bags
Rising Kites bags consist of educational resources and items of encouragement to assist families as they navigate life altering news. Bags are intended to be given to families within the first 2 years of receiving a diagnosis and are gifted to families and medical facilities at no cost.
Rising Kites Bags include:
A Personal Letter from our family
Welcoming a Newborn with Down Syndrome: A New Parent’s Guide to the First Month by Nancy McCrea Iannone and Stephanie Hall Meredith
I Am Me by Katelyn Herrygers
Rising Kites Community Card containing QR code to access local connections with families within the Down syndrome community
Rising Kites Family Resources Card containing QR code access to state-specific resources to assist family with financial, medical, and Down syndrome specific questions
Therapy Journal from The Glory Days, Co.
Toy Kite
Toy Rattle
Brochures for national resources
Rising Kites also provides access to resources and educational materials to medical professionals to improve the way in which families receive a diagnosis. Resources can be accessed here.
Have questions about our bags? Email us at bags@risingkites.org
Not ready for a bag but want to access resources we have available ?
Rising Kites gifts bags to families and medical facilities at no cost to them. Each bag costs ~$50 to build and ship. If you would like to assist us in providing bags to families new to the Down syndrome community please consider making a gift at the link below: