We greatly appreciate any financial donations that help us continue on our mission to celebrate the GIFT of Down Syndrome. We accept individual and corporate donations. See our Community Partner Giving Tiers here.
Rising Kites is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All charitable donations are tax deductible.
Partner with Us
If you are a medical provider at a hospital or OB/GYN clinic and would like to regularly distribute our bags to families you provide care to please request bags through the form at the link below.
Join the Rising Kites Community
In each Rising Kites bag, we provide information for families to access a password protected list of others within the Down syndrome community in hopes that families will be encouraged by others within the community and see how truly beautiful this life is.
Shop our Store
Visit our store to see our current Rising Kites merchandise. All proceeds go towards furthering our mission of celebrating the GIFT of Down syndrome
Spread our Mission Through Flowers
Do you have a love for growing flowers as well? We’d love to send you flower tags that allow you to gift flowers to your own community sharing our mission.
Raise Funds for Rising Kites
Rising Kites utilizes DonorBox for fundraising. DonorBox allows you to help us in our fundraising efforts. If you’d like to initiate a fundraiser for us let us know using the button below.
At times we provide various opportunities to volunteer. Check out our volunteer page to see what volunteer opportunities we currently have available.